Universal page , work in progress

venter posterior

SECTION Item or Ref ID Value or text
Official Latin term venter posterior musculi digastrici
Official subsidiary term posterior belly of digastric muscle
Unit identifier TAH:U1749
Unit type pair
Materiality material
Latin terms
Official term
venter posterior musculi digastrici
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
venter posterior (par)
Specific pair (formal)
venter posterior musculi digastrici (par)
Left member
venter posterior usculi digastrici sinistri
Right member
venter posterior usculi digastrici dextri
Internal term
venter posterior
TA98 main Latin term
a04.2.03.004 venter posterior
English terms
Official term
posterior belly of digastric muscle
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
posterior belly (pair)
Specific pair (formal)
posterior belly of digastric muscle (pair)
Left member
posterior belly terior belly of left digastric muscle
Right member
posterior belly terior belly of right digastric muscle
TA98 English equivalent
a04.2.03.004 posterior belly
French terms
Official term
ventre postérieur
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
ventre postérieur (paire)
Specific pair (formal)
Left member
ventre postérieur tre postérieur xter du muscle digastrique gauche
Right member
ventre postérieur tre postérieur xter du muscle digastrique droit
TA98 French equivalent
a04.2.03.004 ventre postérieur
Spanish terms
Official term
ventro posterior del músculo digástrico
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
ventro posterior (par)
Specific pair (formal)
ERR1 del músculo digástrico
Left member
ventro posterior posterior xter del izquierdo músculo digástrico xter
Right member
ventro posterior posterior xter del derecho músculo digástrico xter
Russian terms
Official term
задний ERR двубрюшной мышцы
Term status
Universal term
Specific pair (display)
задний ERR (пара)
Specific pair (formal)
ERR1 двубрюшной мышцы
Left member
задний ERR ний ERR xter двубрюшная мышца
Right member
задний ERR дний ERR xter двубрюшная мышца
Latin model
Origin term of the model
venter posterior musculi digastrici
Basic part
TAH1749 venter posterior
Referenced noun
TAH12945 nomen venter (nomen rei corporeae) >venter<
Referenced adjective
TAH13383 nomen posterior (nomen unspecificatus) >posterior<
Optional expansion TAH1747 musculus digastricus
Referenced noun
TAH12368 nomen musculus organi (nomen musculus genericum) >musculus<
Referenced adjective
TAH13943 nomen digastricus (nomen systematis muscularis) >digastricus<
Universal formula N(12368),A(13943),&F(1747)
Analysis of words
Term to be analyzed venter posteriormusculi digastrici
Syntax error Unsuccessful term analysis
Date: 06.09.2022